Wind frightens me. It’s one in the morning, and the wind is blowing. It is REALLY blowing. Alexa (a Christmas gift from Bryan) says to expect winds at ten mph with gusts to almost thirty mph. I know that March is supposed to be the month of wind, but here we get a lot of wind in January.
I remember when I was a kid, living in Southern Colorado. My family of five girls and a mom and dad lived in what we would today call a Denver Square. No central heading. No inside plumbing. Electricity was a drop cord light hanging from the center of each room.
Sister Clara and I slept upstairs beneath heavy quilts made by mom from our father’s overalls and old jackets. And, the wind blew. The wind blew so hard that I was sure, as a child, it shook the bed in which we slept. I’ve remembered that fear for my entire life. At a point, I thought that it could not be true. Wind blowing into and through a house, shaking the bed where two little girls slept.