
Dog Days of Summer 2024

My favorite poetry to write is haibun.  As a reminder, it is prose followed by haiku followed by prose followed by haiku, etc.  My haibun is always three prose sections and three haiku.  This poem was written for the Tips and Chips, the Denver Gem and Mineral Guild newsletter.  I hope you enjoy reading about the “Dog Days of Summer 2024.”

Dog Days of Summer 2024
A Haibun
Marj Becker

 What more is there to say about the dog days of summer?  It’s hot.  Really hot.  And, of course, it’s come upon us knowing full well that we’re not prepared.  It seems that “dog days of summer” only happen in the Northern Hemisphere.  Why not the Southern Hemisphere?  Is it because it is hot there all of the time?  Hot and muggy.  Sweltering.  Humid. 

Then, of course, there is global warming.  We think that these days are related to global warming.  What I’m finding in my research, though, is that these days are specific to our Northern Hemisphere from about July 3 to August 11.  So, this year, they have hit us right on time.  And, although we may be thinking that they are only August-related, dog days in mid-July are not out of the range of days.

 For some reason, humans have connected the star Sirius to the dog days of summer.  Probably, because Sirius means Dog Star.  Sirius, however, is a gazillion miles away from earth and could not possibly have any effect on earth’s weather.  No one seems to know when or why this expression – dog days – became something to refer to this time of year.  Perhaps, it is because Sirius, the Dog Star, on July 23 rises and sets with our Sun.   Humans thought that since Sirius is so bright, it made our Sun extra hot; thus, the increased temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.  And, after all, it is a part of the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog).  How could it not be closely associated with “dog days” of summer!  The heat comes, however, not from the proximity of Sirius to the Sun.  Rather, it is because of the tilt of the earth on its axis.

 Dog days – too hot now
Thunderstorms – Rain – Tornados
Don’t fault Sirius

 Are  you old enough to remember when cars vapor locked?  Having the car’s engine stop and needing to drive the car to the side of the road was maddening, embarrassing, and scary!  Then, trying to start the car to continue the journey was equally maddening.  Cool the engine and, maybe – just maybe – the engine would engage.

We didn’t have full-house air condition in those days.  Some of us still don’t have that kind of air conditioning.  So, we close the windows and doors to keep out the heat.  We use powerful floor fans to move the air.  We wear light-weight clothing – shorts and tees.  We do whatever we can think of to keep cool during dog days.

Dog days – lethargy
Dog days – hottest of summer
Dog days – our worst days

 Personally, summer is not my favorite season of the year.  It has always been way too hot for my taste.  Even as a kid, summer topped my “dislike” list.  Maybe, it topped my “hate” list!  Growing up in Southern Colorado – in Florence, Cañon City, and the Steel City of Pueblo, summers were hot, hot, hot!  The dog days of summer meant going into the fields, picking tomatoes and green beans, and canning them for winter meals.  Of course, there were cantaloupe and watermelon – Rocky Ford had the best.  They were never available in winter – until, that is, that America started importing them from other countries.  Things change.

Winter holidays
Snow – heating with wood – slick streets
Give me winter days

Be Safe and Be Well
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated

One reply on “Dog Days of Summer 2024”

I always think of the dog days of summer as being between August 12 and August 28. I don’t know why.
It has been so HOT this summer!!

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