
Some Things Puzzle Me

There are many, many things in this life that puzzle me. 

 I can’t understand why my federal government takes away a part of my social security benefit (which I paid for over a twenty-four year work period) because I also have a state pension (which I also paid for while working for the state).  Why?  I fully paid for both of those benefits.

 Do inanimate objects have voice?  Sometimes, my cell phone (an android) which has been set for an event at, say, 9 pm with an alert to notify me at the time of the event, notifies me at 8 pm, instead.  Does it do this because it knows that I hate it?

 I have an “Alexa” in my kitchen.  The only thing I ask “her” to do is tell me the weather, the temperature, and, occasionally, play my local classical radio station’s news or music.  It was a present from a young friend who said to me as he gave it to me, “I don’t want you to be afraid of it.  It’s technology.”  He is very familiar with my lack of ability related to technology.  I wonder why, without being asked, “she” will tell me the weather.  Or, “she” will give me some kind of notice that I may choose to do thus or so.  And, “she” expects an answer.  “She” begins by saying, “Good morning (or afternoon or evening).  Do you want to hear today’s choices (for something)?”  It is, frankly, just a little spooky!

 You know that I watch a lot – I mean, A LOT – of Hallmark movies.  Some of the really great actors have left the cable network to go to work for another cable television network (Great American Family).  I’m disappointed because GAF does not seem to have the writers, story lines, etc., that Hallmark has; so guess which network I still watch.  Why did those actors leave Hallmark?  Money?

 When I walk through my house, I wonder why I cannot keep things clean once I get the area to a point where I think it is clean, that I cannot keep it clean and tidy.  I like clean and tidy.  Right now (I’m writing this before the surgery), I know that my lower back pain is keeping me from doing anything physical.  Really.  Anything.  I have great difficulty walking from the back of my house to the front.  It hurts!  I cannot stand long enough to do the work I need to do.   It hurts!  I’m hopeful that after the surgery described in an earlier BLOG, that I will be having a better time at the time you read this BLOG. 

 This still does not keep me from wondering why when I clean my desk and can actually see the brown top, it stays that way about thirty minutes.  Suddenly, it is white again, covered with papers.  Do I not have enough work space?  File space?  I often wonder – WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME THAT I CAN’T KEEP MY DESK CLEAN!  Maybe, it is impossible for me to do this.  Larry used to say that if I had a football stadium, I would fill it up with paper.  Maybe, he was right.

 Then I remember the saying I put on a needlepoint canvas:  “Those proud of keeping an orderly desk never know the thrill of finding something they thought they had irretrievably lost.”  And, there is another one that I may like even better.  “If a clean desk is the sign of a clean mind, tell me what an empty desk is the sign of.”

 Today, something makes me wonder, and it has to do with this BLOG.  I publish my BLOG every Wednesday morning at 10 am – God willing and the creek don’t rise.  The puzzling thing for me is this.  If it is Tuesday, the 26th of some week, and I post the article before midnight of that day, it seems to me that the first hit my article should be the next day, Wednesday, at 10 am or later.  But, if I look at my record of the accesses to that BLOG, the first ones that show are on Tuesday, the day the BLOG was posted, not published.  How does that happen?  Does someone access Wednesday’s BLOG because they are living somewhere on the other side the International Dateline.  Which would, of course, be Wednesday, already, when my day is still Tuesday.  About here, I stop trying to puzzle through the time zone and the date thing – it is simply too convoluted for me.  And I give up thinking about it.

 I’m simply pleased that someone is accessing my BLOG.  Whether you are actually reading it or not, I’m never sure.  Well, some of you do respond.  Thank you; I do really love to read responses.  Please feel free to respond and tell me where you live and what you think of the BLOG.  It might help with this puzzling question for me.

 Be Safe and Be Well
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated.



3 replies on “Some Things Puzzle Me”

I can’t say for certain why all actors moved to GAF, but some actors don’t want to be in movies with LGBTQIA characters. I suspect these are the same people that wouldn’t approve of interracial couples either.

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