
It’s An Ill Wind …

My mother always said, “It’s an ill wind that blows no good.”  It’s a statement that I’ve learned is true about so many situations.  I’ve adapted that to mean that there must be some good in all situations; albeit, it is often hard to see whatever good can come from a very difficult and even dangerous situation.

 This statement came very true to me very recently.  While writing something, I thought I was doing the right thing but learned that what I did was hurtful for someone dear to me.  That person asked that I do something about my writing to remove the hurt.

 First, when that request was made, I felt equally hurt.  I almost determined that I would not change a thing.  Not one bit.  The information had to be told.  People needed to know about it.  Know that life does not always give us pleasantness.  Know that trying to get things done may lead to disappointments.  It consumes time trying to get things done.  May require extra effort to get things done.

 Then, like a thump on the head, it occurred to me just what I needed to do.  I did need to correct the situation.  I did need, if you will, to “eat some crow.”  I needed to fix things.  I needed to make amends.

 Perhaps, this is our conscience working to help us rectify our mistakes.  Maybe, it is that still small voice inserting in us the will to do things right.  Whatever it is, we need to be willing listen and change.  Can we do that?  Change and make the situation better?  What kind of strength does it take to realize that we’ve made a colossal mistake and, actually, make a change?

 Truth and apology.  It is often incredibly difficult to admit the truth.  The truth that we erred.  And apologize.  I remember that one of my health care providers asked me one time if there was one thing that he should tell his young children.  I was quick to respond that I think the most important thing is to tell them to tell the truth.  Always tell the truth.  Along with that,  today, I would say be willing to admit mistakes.  And, boy is that tough.

 And, here, I almost forgot that sage advice.  I almost forgot (dare I say, refused) to admit I was wrong and apologize.  But, as I said, there was a thump on the head that made me see a clearer path.  Where do you think that thump came from?

 I’ve learned from this mistake.  So, I think my advice now is:  Always tell the truth.  Be able to admit wrongness.  Apologize.  And, so I’m here admitting that I was wrong.  I hope my friend will accept my apology.

 Again, my mother was right.


 Be Safe and Be Well
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated.



One reply on “It’s An Ill Wind …”

Lovely Marge, telling the truth and living it require lots of mercy and forgiveness which comes right on the heals of Being responsive and accountable for our actions. We really do want the best for one another, but situations and circumstances challenge us to bring Truth and Love(compassion, mercy, forgiving) together.

It’s really hard to know how loved we are despite all our foibles, mistakes even with those good intentions that pave the road to …

A sense of humor is another saving grace. Taking it all LightHeartedly. Things we take as affronts are often Love in action with clear heart sighted perspective badly packaged. Finding the perspective that allows forgiving grace to ease us all on our way with fresh starts not history-onics (past resentments) helps. Truth and Love as Yeshua the Christ requires dying to ourselves daily, dying into a Love greater than us of ourselves.

It’s BIG (By Infinite Grace) Medicine that goes down delightfully with a spoonful of sweetness/Love. It’s that very BIG Love in action that allows the vulnerability of telling the truth in the form of sincere apology. My forgiveness language is when the apology comes in the form of recognition, change, and action. You delivered that today and even though I’m not the one who was hurt, I also Am the One that Is free by the Truth that sets us free. So are we all, in Truth.

Writing truth from the heart by a “cranky crone” is so good!

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