
Organizations and Institutions – Addendum

To all of my readers.

After writing this article, I realized that there were two organizations I forgot to include. I have added them to the post.  So, if you wish to read this corrected post, please just go to the location and it is there.

Best wishes for a wonderful day,
The Cranky Crone


Organizations and Institutions

Something happened during this past week that prompted me to think about the organizations I belong to now and have in the past. Among those are organizations related to education, government, medicine, etc. It occurs to me that there is a lot to “unpack” (as they say, today) about these institutions. I plan to broaden the terms of organization and institution to suit my own definitions. So here goes; who knows – you may learn something about me that you never knew before.


Public Places

It seems to be that there are two kinds of places, private and public. Nothing in between, really. I decided to give some thoughts about the public places that I frequent.



Just today, I needed to mail a package and took it to the closest UPS store. It is far easier to drive into the parking lot, get out of my car, and carry my package into the UPS store than go to the local post office to send a package on its way. While there, I decided to purchase some stamps. Four sets of twenty stamps – that’s what I asked the UPS clerk for. I got the stamps, paid for everything, and returned home.


Cleaning House

Today is Sunday, and I’m cleaning house, and it’s not even spring. Sometimes, the “spirit” just hits and cleaning MUST be done. I have not left the house for three days, and tomorrow looks to be the same. My writing coach and I will work in the morning, but mostly the day will be spent at home. Or, if I actually get an on-line grocery order put together, today, I may set it to be picked up on Monday afternoon. In the meanwhile, this day is consumed with laundry (I do have to have clean clothing) and computer work. I’m very serious about finishing a huge job using the computer and creating new, more efficient files for all of the paper that enters my house.


Recent News Headlines

First, the news:  If you read my blog that included information about ant lions, you will remember that I talked about the tiny, tiny babies that would show up in the cage and build tiny, tiny inverted funnels. There are five funnels in the cage – five new baby ant lions. So, now it will be my job to get to the pet store to buy the right-sized meal worms for their food.

And, now …


A Reflection of Who I Am.

I used to say, “I am a child of God, a wife and mother , and an educator.”  My life is so much more, now.  A child of God – yes.  A widow and mother with two living daughters (one daughter’s life was taken by a brain tumor), a mother-in-law, and a grandmother of two girls – young women, actually; Grand #1, red haired like her mother, a math whiz, a poet, and musician; Grand #2, brown hair like her father’s, also a poet, musician, and a computer whiz.  A sister (we’re the last two of our generation); and, an aunt of some relatives I don’t even know.  I realized the other day that this makes me the matriarch of my family.  I am an educator – still.  But more, much more.



There has been a lot of talk about immigrants, during this past year.  It continues, today.  I thought I’d take a look at how immigrants to my country have affected my well being.


Lessons For An Old Lady In A Time Of Crisis

Every New Years’ Day, we often think about our blessings.  Those that we know we have received.  And, maybe, those that have been ignored.  I know that I’ve been told y’all before that I do feel blessed with the family and neighbors and friends that surround me and make my life special.


Year’s End

It is year’s end.  So, this is short.  I hope you all have a blessed Christmas.