
Celebrating Unplugged Voices

Recently published is an incredibly exquisite book written by citizens of the West – Unplugged Voices; 125 Tales of Art and Life from Northern New Mexico, the Four Corners and the West.  This book of “verbal narratives” was curated and edited by Sara Frances.  This book is the history of “common people” who live in Western United States.  We can read and study and talk about the Fremonts.  About the Greeleys.  About the Zebulon PIkes.  But, the people represented in Unplugged Voices are the people of the history of our West.  A Colorado governor.  New Mexico “low riders.”  Writers.  Poets … to name a few.


New Friend From Ghana?

Can you make new friends, even if they are half way around the world, and who speak another language?  We’ll see.



On September 9 of 2020, I published my first BLOG article, so I think it is time to review the results of two-and-a-half years of articles.  I hope you will be part of that review.  I’m pleased to see that I have any readers, at all.  I remember when I began writing, one of my artist mentors told me that, even if I never have any non-family readers, I would have a memoir for my children and grandchildren.  So, I started writing and kept writing.  And, I’ve always chosen each week’s topic, with a few exceptions.  This BLOG, for example.  Daughter #3 suggested that I ask my readers if I’m hitting the mark.  The mark being that it is my hope that the readers feel like they are sitting around a table, having a drink of their preference, and just talking.  I’m thinking that I write like I talk – so this is me, talking.


Attempting To Prepare Income Tax Return Information

It’s income tax time.  The Ides of March became the Ides of April many, many years ago.  This year, the deadline has been pushed to Tuesday, April 18.  I’ve tried to find out why April 18, to no avail.  Although April 15 is a Saturday, that can’t be the reason.  The following Monday is April 17; so, it can’t be the fact that April 15 is Saturday.  Anyway, that gives tax payers three more days to get their returns in to the Feds.

I set my last Saturday (April 2) to put all of the information together for my accountant to work with.  Terri is really good.  I’ve worked with her for three years, now.  I really thought that one day would do to pull the necessary records together.

During this past year (2022), I’ve collected everything that I thought I would need in one place.  Years before, it seems that all of those documents were scattered through the myriads of paperwork that I have in my house.  Sister Clara kept telling me to keep it all in one place.  A file folder.  An accordion file.  Something – some place – that I could go to on the appointed day and find everything.  But, as she always says, I never listened to her.  So, income tax day was spent searching for documents to use for my information for Terri; income tax day usually ended up being income tax week.  This year of 2022 was to be different.  Saturday would be the day to get the report ready.

Saturday begins with my usual activities.  Rise.  Eat.  Feed the dogs – Katie is with us; then, they go outside and back in.  Dress.  Now, attack the paperwork.  There was; about two inches of records to sort and use to document income and expenditures during this last year.  Two types of income:  Social Security and state pension.  That’s easy.

Now, expenditures.  Charities.  Check.  Health insurance.  Check.  I forgot to complete the organizing form for Terri.  So, the search for expenditure documentation gets set aside until the form is complete.  The form reminds me of several items that need to be included.  The dogs want to go out, again.  And, as long as I’m up, I go to the basement to take care of laundry.  And, the phone rings.  It’s Sister Clara, and we take time to chat.  I tell her about my day’s plan.  I resume my work.  I talk with her several times¸ after that.  The last time, she says, “Aren’t you supposed to be preparing you tax information?”  I can’t argue with her, so I go back to work.

I’m looking for documents that I need to show house and car taxes.  I find them, but it takes some time.  And, the dogs want to go out again.  And, be fed.  Again.  And, there’s more laundry to take care of.  I really need to eat something for supper.

By nine o’clock¸ I’m tired and work has slowed to the point that I’m going to start making mistakes.  It’s a good idea to stop and finish, tomorrow.  Still, I stay up until midnight – my usual bedtime.

Sunday starts in much the same way Saturday started.  Then, it’s back to paperwork.  I realize I have not asked my  pharmacy for a print out of all of my purchases for the year; but, it’s Sunday, and I can’t do that until tomorrow.  I need that document to count the number of times I had to drive to the pharmacy in the year – medical mileage.  I remember that I need a similar document from one of my medical providers.  I’ll have to call both places early on Monday morning.  That means that this information won’t be completed until sometime Monday.

As it turns out, it takes until Tuesday to get all of the information together and documented properly.  Daughter #1 will take me to Terri’s to deliver the prepared materials.  Terri will work her magic and send the income tax return off to the IRS electronically.  It will reach there by April 18, I’m sure.

For next year, I’ve made some notes about those things that I’ve had to spend time searching for this year.  Maybe, it will be easier.  Maybe, not.

Be Safe and Be Well.
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated.




I have a refrigerator magnet that says:  “Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway.”  I think I’m never reticent about sharing information about myself, my family, my dogs – anything.  I’m not very good at keeping things to myself.  So, of course, people will know all about me, but I’m never sure if they like me, anyway.


Stories and Bragging

If you will forgive my bragging, I’m going to do it.  Stories and bragging about my family, that is.  You’ve heard about my family, before, of course.  Daughters #1 and 3, Son-in-Law, two Grands, a mother, and a sister.  We were five sisters, three older than I and Sister Clara, younger – all of us Colorado Natives.


The Epiphany

One of the definitions of epiphany is an unusually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.  It is an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking; or, an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.

I had one of those about a month and a half ago, about midnight.  My CPA says it was February 3, 2023 (more on that later).  Sitting at my computer which was on the card table that I’ve been using as a work desk for months (in my TV room), I was working on my BLOG for the next Wednesday.  I actually think I felt a feeling wash over the area, including me.  “This is what you need to be doing,” it seemed to say.  “You want to write.  And, write.  And, write.  So, write!”


Jimmy Carter Speaks

Some important people in my life:  Hazel Tatman Bundy (my mother); beloved Larry; Henry Fukuhara, Marie Siano Ungemah, Pomona Hallenbeck, Judith Cassell Mamet (all four art mentors); writing coach Denise Vega; John McCain; and Jimmy Carter.  All of these people – some living, some gone from our earth – are only some of the people who have had a positive impact on my life.  Former President Jimmy Carter is one of my most favorite people.  A true statesman.  President of our country in some of the most difficult times, he then gave of his time to provide homes for those in need.  Giving of sweat equity in the building of those homes.

“Although, I never had the pleasure of meeting him, his images from the television set will remain with me.  His good works are evident in so many towns and with so many people.  As usual, when a person reaches the level of renown that he did, there are quotable quotes collected by someone to remind us of the thinking that came from the person.

Rachel Maddow discussed “The Carter Challenge” on a recent program.  It is said to be:  “Do something nice for somebody who needs it … If you have someone who needs a phone call, make the phone call.  If somebody needs a visit, do make that visit.”  This “mandate” could work for the whole world, if we would make it a habit.

The web provided several other quotes, which I’ve placed below.  I’m wondering if we can see ourselves in any of them.

“We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

“You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can.”

“I’ll never tell a lie. I’ll never make a misleading statement. I’ll never betray the confidence that any of you had in me. And I’ll never avoid a controversial issue.”

“Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.”

“Wherever life takes us, there are always moments of wonder.”

“The bond of our common humanity is stronger than our fears and prejudices.”

“To be true to ourselves, we must be true to others.”

“War may be a necessary, but no matter how necessary, it is always evil; never a good.  We will not learn to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.”

“We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.”

“In this great country of ours, it is inexcusable that so many children grow up in poverty and despair.  The well being of our children must be the national priority and the responsibility of every individual.”

“Testing oneself is best when done alone.”

“It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature’s gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.”

Former President Carter said much, much more that is quotable.  If you are interested in what this great man said, check it out on the web.

Be Safe and Be Well.

The Cranky Crone

Thoughtful comments are appreciated.


Fantastic Friday

This has been a week of absolute fun!  First, I’ve had a whole week with three dogs – Paisley, Katie, and, of course, Lady.  Paisley had to go home, last Tuesday.  The rest of this glorious week has been spent getting ready for the Denver Gem and Mineral Guild Vendor and Volunteer Annual Dinner.  Actually, it has taken about a month to get everything ready.  Time was when it took a week, but now that I’m old, it takes longer.  Rita M. helped a lot with getting the decorations ready for a smooth set up.  Nancy W. went with me to the venue to decorate for the dinner.


Tiptoe Through My Closet With Me

My wardrobe tends to be non-descript.  And, it’s from before the turn of this last century.  Daughter #1 often gives me a garment or two that she thinks I would like to wear.  And, she is usually right.  Her last purchase for me was a sweater made with a rich fabric that was a beautiful color.  It is special; so, I wear it for special occasions.